Write a letter, make someone's day

A colorful envelope makes letter writing and receiving all that much more fun. 

A colorful envelope makes letter writing and receiving all that much more fun. 

There’s nothing like having a handwritten letter waiting for you in the mailbox. Except, maybe, writing one.

What a wonderfully simple way to make someone’s day – receiving news the old-fashioned way. What a wonderfully simple way to slow down the hectic pace the digital age has wrought.

It’s odd that we are letting this communication art go fallow. As things go, letter writing is fairly inexpensive. I bet you have the necessary tools laying around your home. Let’s see … pen, paper, envelope, and a stamp. (If you are out of stamps, you probably can purchase some at the grocery store. Don’t let a trip to the post office stand in your way of making a friend’s day.)