Who's that cannabis girl?


Boy, do I have exciting news to share! I am a partner in a new cannabis business: KopSun.

Does this mean I’m giving up my clients and saying “adios” to AMO? Absolutely not! Are you nuts!?

So, let me take a cue from KopSun.com, and tell you a bit about just what in the cannabis we do — “Dedicated to health and education, KopSun supports the cannabis lifestyle with our online learning, monthly group events, in-home visits, carefully curated product line, and the KopSun Seal of Approval.

Our goal is simply to provide education and information, so you become confident and empowered to make the smartest choices for you.”

Pretty nifty, eh? Of course, we do tons more and are loving every second. Advocating for the public’s right to use cannabis, as allowed by law, is a major part of our days. We also have been retained to do marketing and PR for some cannabis-related businesses. Soon, well, maybe not so soon as we are navigating governmental licensing waters, we will sell products via our Web site. It’s been action-packed and adrenaline-releasing … I hope you’ll check us out at KopSun.com.

Amy OrozcoComment